Pre-Buy Graphics Package
Elegant. Professional. Engaging. Creative. Designs
A complete collection of graphic design services to showcase your proposals.
With the complex nature of responding to an RFP, busy schedules, and the stress of meeting a short deadline, proposal graphics can often seem like an afterthought or an unimportant detail. But organizations that give short shrift to graphics do so at their peril; graphics are a crucial part of any proposal, serving multiple important functions.
Need to produce a proposal graphic, but tired of the same old system templates?
Do you want to give your business an edge over the competition? Looking to convey a complex idea using graphics? We can help reinforce your message with effective visual aids, interactive elements and custom artwork that makes your concepts easily and quickly understood by proposal evaluators.
Make an Impression. Get Noticed by Proposal Evaluators
Work with our talented designers to showcase your firm’s capabilities to federal clients and help you stand apart from competitors

($125.00 Per Graphic)
3 Graphics
($85.00 Per Graphic)
3 Graphics
($45.00 Per Graphic)
4 Graphics
*Proposal Graphics Design/Re-creation in Package
Compliant with RFP Font, Size, Color etc.
PNG and/or JPEG and/or PDF Format
*Fully Editable PowerPoint File
Editable .Ai / .PSD / .CDR Format
*Source / Raw File with All Elements
(Ref above row for available file formats)
Unlimited Revisions till RFP Due Date
*Max Revisions Validity, Irrespective of RFP Due Date
Turnaround Time


2-3 Business Days

30 Days
10 Days
10 Days
3-4 Business Days
3-4 Business Days
Getting started is easy. Select the desired package and click "Buy Now" on the next screen fill-in the required fields, upload your hand drawn/base graphic for creation and checkout.
*Proposal Graphics Design/Re-creation: If the opted graphic is too complex or more time consuming, we'll notify you via email - and will be considered as two (2) graphics request against each complex graphic (applicable for Basic Package ONLY).
Example: For selected Basic Package the client shares four (4) graphics for creation/re-creation. But based on our team's initial review it is determined that one out of the four (4) graphics is complex (which requires more time and effort), hence we'll consider it as two graphics creation/re-creation work - which makes the total set of graphics to be processed by our team equals to three (3), irrespective of the total graphics included in the Basic package.
*Source / Raw File (.Ai / .PSD / .CDR): Generally shared at the completion of package validity (i.e post 30 days from purchase). If a request for Source / Raw File
is made by client prior to expiry of the validity period - Fed-Support will no longer support/provide any revisions/updates to the Graphics / Raw Files once shared.
*Revisions/Corrections: Max revisions validity for individual package as specified in the above table from date of purchase.
Hand drawn concept/figure and/or base graphic (if re-creation required) to be provided by client for processing the request.