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GSA’s OASIS+ MAC Draft #2 - Logistics Domain

SKU 47QRCA21N0001-7
Solicitation Details
Due Date: Mar 29, 2023 at 05:00 PM EDT

Bid Posting Link:


GSA’s Office of Professional Services and Human Capital (PSHC) is pleased to announce the release of the second draft Request for Proposal (RFP) for the OASIS+ Program.

The publication of the OASIS+ Draft RFP #2 is solely for market research purposes. This publication is not an official RFP from the Government and does not constitute a request for offers. The Government will not reimburse any costs attributed to responses.

The OASIS+ Draft RFP contains all sections of the solicitation and qualification matrices for the Unrestricted and Total Small Business vehicles. The qualification matrices for all proposed socioeconomic vehicles that will be included in the final RFP will mirror the Total Small Business qualification matrices.

GSA has included a cover letter with draft RFP #2 outlining changes made in response to comments and feedback from Draft #1.

The OASIS+ team considered each submitted comment carefully and implemented changes and clarifications to draft RFP #2 where needed. Due to the sheer number of questions that were provided, which included many duplicates, it would be inefficient to post every answer here. As such, GSA has consolidated and selected the most relevant questions for publishing in this document. Furthermore, due to the volume of questions received, GSA has selected a two-phased approach with the release of the Q&A. A portion of the Q&A is being released simultaneously with Draft RFP #2, and the remaining Q&A will be released shortly after.

GSA’s OASIS+ MAC Draft #2 - Logistics Domain
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